Next Gen Contest

In 2019, the 14th IUPAC International Congress of Crop Protection was held in Ghent, Belgium from 19-24 May. The theme of the Congress was “Crop Protection: Education of the Future Generation”. As the academic institution and host of the conference, Ghent University aimed to involve the next generation of plant protection leaders and showcase the next generation’s crucial role in the future of agriculture.

Two exciting elements made up the IUPAC Next Generation Programme:

The Next Generation Agri Summit (19-23 May 2019). Sponsored by CropLife International, the Agri Summit offered an innovative program developed by and for young agricultural students and researchers interested and engaged in all aspects of crop protection. It ran parallel with the IUPAC International Congress, offering a unique opportunity to engage with world-renowned leaders in plant protection as well as engage in topics specifically wanted by youth. 

N-GAGE champions: N-GAGE (Next Generation Agricultural Innovators) is an IUPAC 2019 pilot project that selected 5 promising young crop protection innovators to join the Agri Summit, receive 5.000€ seed funding for their project idea and one-year of mentorship and training opportunities.

The N-GAGE Champions are sponsored by: BASF Agricultural Solutions, Corteva, Crelan and University of Ghent.